Samstag, 4. April 2015

What are YOUR feelings bringing into your life?

Your thoughts and feelings attract things and events that fit to them. If you are worried, that feeling will invite situations that make you even more worried. But if you manage to stay calm and serene, these feelings will attract things that conform with these feelings.

What happens if I react to a crisis with poise and confidence?

On a Saturday night I found a huge puddle of water of unknown origin in our basement. I was able to respond to this with composure and confidence. I kept telling myself that this might not be as bad as it looks. Although I couldn't find where the water was coming from- nothing was dripping from the wall- I decided to take a fresh look next day. The next morning I found the source of the leak by coincidence. I had not even really started looking for it. When I was pouring some water into the kitchen sink I heard a faint ripple. I looked in the cupboard under the sink and tada! There was the problem. A seal in the drain was rotten. At first, I assumed that I should hire a plumber. Although I do not like to spend money for something like this, I remained calm. Who knows what could come of this? Maybe I'd find a cheap one or maybe I could use the same plumber to repair a few more things in our house?

A day later, when I looked at everything again, I realized that I could easily do the repair by myself.

Some years ago I had treated such small everyday problems and of course also my big problems differently.

What happens when you get yourself all worked up about something when you go through a crisis?

Years ago, my old VW suddenly made a funny noise. I immediately knew that something was wrong. And I began to sink into total despair. I imagined how exorbitantly expensive the trip to the garage would be and I mused about how unfair life was to me. I told everyone how sorry I was about the fact that I no longer could afford this car and was very unhappy.

But since I don't like being unhappy, I had developed a certain strategy for dealing with such feelings in my life. Whenever I remembered that my car needed to get a repair, I was queasy and I pushed the thought aside. The result was that the car stayed parked outside my door for weeks because I always "forgot" it and used public transportation instead.

It took me almost two months until I finally took care of the car. My friends became quite annoyed with this topic, although I tried not to think about the car. But apparently I seemed to whine about it again and again.

As anticipated, the repair costs became quite expensive and everything got pretty complicated.

A simple recipe.

Perhaps it would have been cheaper if I had taken care of the car right in the beginning. But apart from that, I spoiled quite a few weeks of my life with worries. And I am convinced that my feelings of fear and anxiety, sadness and frustration not only restricted my quality of life but also attracted stuff that confirmed these feelings. I was a real jinx at that time. If something could go wrong, then it did.

Today I always try to remind myself to stay calm and optimistic if something unpleasant happens. Most of the time I find the trust and confidence that everything will turn out well. It is phenomenal! Try it yourself. Tell yourself that everything is only half as bad as it looks and TRUST that a good solution is almost within reach.

Since I have managed to replace panic, despair, and self-blame with trust and confidence, my life runs surprisingly smooth. It is just great!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

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